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发布时间:2025-02-08 14:48:01 点击量:223
本文摘要:China’s domestic nuclear rivalries are spilling overseas as state-owned rivals jostle to promote their reactor designs despite Beijing’s efforts to present a united front.中国国内核电企业之间的角力于是以蔓延到海外。

China’s domestic nuclear rivalries are spilling overseas as state-owned rivals jostle to promote their reactor designs despite Beijing’s efforts to present a united front.中国国内核电企业之间的角力于是以蔓延到海外。相互竞争的国有企业竞相点评自己的反应堆设计,尽管中国政府于是以希望展现出一个统一战线。

China’s State Council, or cabinet, this month formally approved the first Hualong 1 reactor, to be built in coastal Fujian Province. Successfully constructing the Hualong 1 will bring China into the elite club of countries exporting reactors.中国国务院本月月批准后在沿海的福建省建设首座“华龙1号”反应堆。顺利竣工华龙1号将使中国跻身核反应堆出口国的精英俱乐部。

China National Nuclear Corp already has agreements to build six reactors in Pakistan but a framework agreement to build a Hualong 1 reactor in Argentina would be the first overseas example of China’s indigenous prowess.中国核工业集团(CNNC)有数在巴基斯坦建设6座反应堆的协议,但在阿根廷建设一座华龙1号反应堆的框架协议,将是在海外展现出中国自律技术实力的首个相比较。“This project will change the environment for our indigenous reactors and will promote the national strategy of ‘going out’ with the nuclear industry,” Xing Ji, CNNC vice-general manager, said last week.“这个项目将转变我国自律技术反应堆的大环境,前进核电工业‘回头过来’的国家战略,”中国核电工程公司(CNPE)副总经理邢继上周回应。China plans to complete eight reactors this year. It has 26 under construction, as part of its programme to develop 58GW of nuclear generating capacity by 2020. A four-year suspension of new approvals after the meltdown of a tsunami-hit reactor in Fukushima, Japan, in 2011 resulted in a 7 per cent dip in nuclear investment in China last year, to Rmb56.9bn ($9.2bn).中国计划在今年竣工8座反应堆。

目前全国有26座反应堆开建,这是到2020年投运58GW核电装机容量的计划的一部分。2011年日本福岛核电站在遭到海啸攻击后再次发生堆芯熔毁,促成中国在之后四年停止批准后新项目,这造成去年中国核电投资上升7%,至569亿元人民币(合92亿美元)。The delay allowed regulators to make Chinese-designed “third-gener-ation” reactors a priority that could eventually represent the Chinese industry overseas. Critics say China’s plans to beef up nuclear power generation at home would be better served by constructing familiar second-generation plants. “We tend to be more interested in new things and lack enthusiasm for the old, but in the nuclear industry we must balance the two,” warned Li Ganjie, vice-minister of the environment.延期新项目上马让监管机构将中国设计的“第三代”反应堆列入工作重点,使其最后未来将会在海外代表中国核电工业。


